The Execution of Private John Lanahan, 46th Pennsylvania
It is estimated that as many as five hundred military executions occurred during the American Civil War. The following account of the execution of Private John Lanaham from the 46th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry is not unusual and may even be considered one of the most deserving of cases.
Private Lanaham admitted that, following an alcohol-fueled altercation with another soldier, he directed his anger towards Major Arnold Lewis. The major had ordered him to be bound to a wheeled cart until tempers cooled. Lanaham managed to free himself, seized a musket, and shot the major once in the chest, killing him instantly.
What makes Lanaham’s execution unique is that it was conducted as a public spectacle, with newspaper correspondents present to witness the event. Several accounts of the execution were published, including one by a correspondent from the New York Times, who noted Lanaham's stoic demeanor as he faced the hangman's noose.
Here, we present two accounts of the execution of Private John Lanaham: one from the unidentified New York Times correspondent and a second account from Corporal Samuel S. Beach of the 2nd Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers. (Library of Congress)
A Harper's Weekly woodcut of a 1865 military execution near City Point, Vrginia. the drawing up of troops in the hollow square is consistent with S.S. Beach's description of the martial appearance of John Lanahan's 1861 execution. (Harper’s Weekly, February 18, 1865)
Frederick, Monday, Dec. 23
from the New York Times, December 26, 1861
The approval of the sentence of Court-Martial in the case of [Private John] Lanaghan for murder, the order for his execution and the date thereof, was forwarded by General McClellan, on Thursday, requiring from General Banks only to name the place and the hour. The gallows was planned and erected by a man from Baltimore who was experienced in such matters.
The circumstances of the murder were as follows: The Forty-Sixth Pennsylvania was on its way from Washington to Pleasant Hill. At Rockville, several of the soldiers procured liquor, had a quarrel, and Major [Arnold C.] Lewis ordered him to be tied to the rear of a wagon. During the progress of the march, Lanaghan got untied, and taking a loaded musket from one of his comrades, swore he would shoot the Major. The latter being in advance, heard of his release, and rode to the rear, where he met Lanaghan and ordered him to give up the gun. Lanagham took aim and shot Major Lewis through the heart as he was in the act of dismounting.
During his confinement, before and after the trial, your correspondent had free access to the prisoner, and paid him frequent visits. From the first he was calm and resigned to his fate, being fully sensible of the enormity of his crime, and equally willing to expiate it by his death. By the ministrations of Father Dougherty, of Rockville, he avowed his faith, and said he had assurances that he would be forgiven in Heaven. I visited him an hour before his execution. His confessor was with him. On my entering he advanced, smiling, and reached out his manacled right hand.
Lanagahn-"Good morning, Mr. _______, I am glad to see you. You have not been here for a long time."
Correspondent-"I have been absent on the Upper Potomac."
Lanagahan-"I thought you were away (smiling), my time has come."
Correspondent: So I am sorry to hear, John. I wish it could be otherwise. Are you all right here? (Placing my hand on his heart)
Lanaghan-"By the love of God, I am. I am not sorry to die now. I owe it to god and man, and cannot be better prepared. Death is only a change from one state to another, and takes but a moment."
Correspondent- "is there anything you wish to say to the world through the Press?"
Lanaghan-"But very litte. I committed the murder, and am willing to die for it. Say to the people I pray for peace. Tell the soldiers to abstain from liquor. I pray for them as I hope they do for me. I die in peace."
After requesting me to be present at the execution, I bade him a final adieu. During the whole interview he spoke in a firm tone. Not a nerve or muscle quivered.
At noon Lanaghan was placed in a covered wagon, with his spiritual adviser and his coffin. He walked out with a firm step, and took his seat with but slight assistance. The procession was formed as follows:
1. The Provost Marshal and Assistant Marshal;
2. Band of the Third Wisconsin;
3. A platoon of the Provost Guard;
4. Wagon with the prisoner and priest;
5. Platoon of the Provost Guard;
6. Hack, with the executioner, in disguise;
7. The Wisconsin Third;
The Third Brigade, General Williams, to which Lanagham's regiment is alloted, was upon the ground. Landaghan viewed the preparations without the slight apparent emotion, and ascended the scaffold with an unfaltering step.
The Adjutant of the Provost Marshal, read aloud the charges and specifications on which he was tried, the finding of the sentence of the Court-martial, the approval and the order for his execution by the commander-in-chief. The Assistant Provost Marshal inquired if he had anything to say. He replied, "No, I have nothing to say. I am ready to die." The cap was drawn over his face and the rope adjusted on his neck by the executioner. Those on the platform descended, and on the usual signal by the Provost Marshal, the executioner pulled the string, and the drop fell. A slight contraction of the muscles of the arms and legs, was the motion, that indicated the departure of life. His neck was broken.
So calm was his death, and so systematically had all the arrangements been perfected and executed, that the solemn scene was divested of its usual attendant horrors. Not a shudder was noticed in the vast crowd of spectators and soldiers.
From early in the forenoon until an hour after the execution, and particularly at the solemn moment the heavens seemed waging war upon the earth. A freezing wind, with snow and hail, chilled the bodies and almost blinded the eyes of all present.
Lanaghan's body was taken charge of by his Catholic friends, to await arrival of his relations.
From the Berkshire Eagle, January 2, 1862 by Corporal Samuel S. Beach, 2nd Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers
At about 12:30 p.m., the solemn music of the funeral march could be heard as the different regiments of the 3rd Brigade marched toward the field upon which the execution was to take place. General Williams and his staff went to the scene of the execution at about 1:30 p.m. Very soon after we arrived there, the 3rd Regiment Mass. Volunteers and a division of the Provost Guard, came up, under arms, and headed by the Colonel and his staff, immediately in the rear of which was the wagon containing Lanaghan and his coffin, with the chaplain in attendance. The regiment, upon its in the field, formed in a hollow square about the gallows, and the wagon containing the prisoner was driven up to the staircase. Without the square formed by the 3rd Mass. Regiment, were the regiment attached to this brigade, in line of battle, without arms, according to the orders. As soon as the wagon was driven up to the foot of the staircase, the Chaplain alighted with Colonel Ruger, the Provost Marshal, followed by the doomed Lanaghan, with his hands tied, and a rope about his body, confining his arms. He was dressed in the usual uniform of the regiment, a dark blue-coat and pants, and the military cap, and under the cap was a sort of covering of the head with veal attached to cover the face. Lanaghan mounted the staircase with a human's steady step, followed by the Chaplain and Colonel Ruger. When he got to the top of the steps on the scaffold, he walked unassisted to the centre of the trapdoor, and stopped directly under the noose of the rope, by which he was to be hung. The Chaplain then spoke a few words with him, and the Colonel read the order by which he was to be executed in a loud and clear tone, so that all present could hear. When he finished reading it, the hangman adjusted the noose about his neck, the Colonel said he did not wish to say anything, and all descended the staircase, leaving Lanaghan alone upon the scaffold, after having his legs tied together at the ankles and adjusted the cap over his face. The hangman then stood ready at the rope which secured the trap door, and the word being given it was pulled, the floor fell under him, and the man launched into eternity. He dropped about two feet. The rope was drawn at just 2:10 p.m. He died without a struggle, with the exception of a slight muscular contraction of the knees. He was allowed to hang about twenty minutes, and then pronounced dead by the surgeon in attendance; upon which he was lowered into his coffin and borne away in an ambulance to his final resting place. The day has been an exceedingly stormy, cold, uncomfortable day, and strange to say, no sooner had the ill-fated man dropped through the scaffold, than the sun shone out clear and bright upon the scene as the Almighty would smile upon justice under any circumstances. The regiments were one by one marched off, and gradually the crowd dispersed. Not a sound was heard - not a murmur of disapprobation during the whole affair, from the thousands present, for all felt that justice along was done.
The government issued headstone identifies the executed man as "John Lanahan." The newspaper accounts refer to him as "Lanaghan." The date of death is also mistated as December 24th instead of the 23rd. Private John Lanahan's headstone can be found at St. John's Catholic Cemetery in Frederick, MD. The execution was conducted at Camp White, some three miles west of Frederick. Photo courtesy of Jake Wynn His blog is